Goal #13 Is To Bake : The Beginning

As a part of my personal growth, and an initiative by Angela Cruickshank (Instagram @angelafoylecruickshank) #IM #Forex, I'm writing 300 goals. One of those goals is to Bake Something [Dessert] Everything Month. Specifically,  Goal #13. I've always taken a liking to baked goods, though I may not bake them often.  The one dish I end up preparing for every family event is BlueBerry Breeze. I bake the crust, lol. I also bake a peach cobbler throughout the year.  

I have many recipe books filled with desserts and I CAN follow a recipe so I figured, why not start from the top and satisfy by yummy (and my tummy) with my very own sweet delights. I may hop over to Cinnabon ocassionly too.

This blog, though random, is also inspired by the 2009 movie Julie vs Julie starring Amy Adams and Meryl Streep. I rewatched it recently. I am not trying to prepare all of the recipes in one book, I'm simply blogging about the items I do cook. Since the goal is just ONE dessert a month, I only have to bake 12 items. But, I'm sure my cravings will lead me to do more. So I hope you'll subscribe and stick around to read about it. 


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